速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Recommendation Letters - Samples & Forma

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Forma





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖1)-速報App

For a few jobs, employers ask for written letters of recommendation. They could even request them within the application process. In such cases, applicants have to submit recommendation letters (typically several) with their resume and resume cover letter.

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖2)-速報App

These letters of recommendation carry significant weight with their recipients. If you are asked to create one, it is critical to include information that build a solid case for the applicant.

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖3)-速報App

There are various different types of recommendation letters, but the three main ones are those for employment, for university applications, and character references.

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖4)-速報App

In this app we have more than 50 recommendation letter samples. The three main factors to consider before start writing a recommendation letter is,

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖5)-速報App

1. Consider What Type of Letter You're Writing

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖6)-速報App

2. Collect Information Before You Start

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖7)-速報App

3. What to Include in a Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖8)-速報App

Download this app and start writing your very own recommendation letter.

Recommendation Letters - Samples & Formats(圖9)-速報App